Report of the Twenty-Fourth Session of the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products

Table of Contents

Bergen, Norway, 5 - 9 June 2000



JOINT OFFICE: Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 ROME Tel.: 396.57051 Telex: 625825-625853 FAO Email: [email protected] Facsimile: 396.5705.4593



Twenty-fourth Session
Geneva, 2 – 7 July 2001

Note: This document incorporates Circular Letter CL 2000/20-FFP

CX 5/15

CL 2000/20-FFP

June 2000


- Codex Contact Points

- Interested International Organizations


Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards

Programme, FAO, 00100 Rome, Italy


Distribution of the Report of the 24th Session of the Codex Committee

on Fish and Fishery Products (ALINORM 01/18)

Table of Contents

A. Matters for Adoption by the 24th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission

B. Request for Comments and Information

Summary and Conclusions


Opening of the Session

Adoption of the Agenda (Agenda Item 1)

Matters Referred by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Committees (Agenda Item 2)

Inclusion of Additional Species in the Standards for Fish and Fishery Products: Chilean Langostino (Agenda Item 3)

Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products (Agenda Item 4)

Draft Standard for Dried Salted Anchovies (Agenda Item 5)

Draft Standard for Crackers from Marine and Freshwater Fish, Crustacean and Molluscan Shelfish (Agenda Item 6)

Proposed Draft Standard for Salted Atlantic Herring and Salted Sprats (Agenda Item 7)

Proposed Draft Standard for Smoked Fish (Agenda Item 8)

Proposed Draft Standard for Moluscan Shellfish (Agenda Item 9)

Model Certificate for Fish and Fishery Products (Agenda Item 10)

Discussion Paper on the Development of a Standard for Scallops (Agenda Item 11)

Discussion Paper on the Development of a Standard for Sturgeon Caviar (Agenda Item 12)

Discussion Paper on the Use of Chlorinated Water (Agenda Item 13)

Other Business, Future Work and Date and Place of the Next Session (Agenda Item 14)

List of Appendices

Appendix I - List of Participants/Liste des Participants/Lista de Participantes
Appendix II - Draft Standard for Crackers from Marine and Freshwater Fish, Crustacean and Molluscan Shellfish (At Step 8 of the Procedure)
Appendix III - Proposed Draft Amendment to the Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products (At Step 5 of the Accelerated Procedure)
Appendix IV - Draft Standard for Dried Salted Anchovies (At Step 6 of the Procedure)
Appendix V - Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products (At Step 5 of the Procedure)

How to Use this Code
Section 1 Scope
Section 2 Definitions

2.1 General Definitions
2.2 Fresh, Frozen and Minced Fish
2.9 Canned Fish

Section 3 Pre-requisite Programme

3.1 Fishing and Harvesting Vessel Design and Construction
3.2 Processing Facility Design and Construction
3.3 Design and Construction of Equipment and Utensils
3.4 Hygiene Control Programme
3.5 Personal Hygiene and Health
3.6 Transportation
3.7 Traceability and Recall Procedures
3.8 Training

Section 4 - General Considerations for the Handling of Fresh Fish and Shellfish

4.1 Potential Hazards Associated with Fresh Fish and Shellfish
4.2 Time and Temperature Control
4.3 Minimise the Deterioration of Fish - Handling

Section 5 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and Defect Action Point (DAP) Analysis

5.1 Haccp Principles
5.2 Defect Action Point Analysis
5.3 Application

Section 6 Processing of Fresh, Frozen and Minced Fish

6.1 Finfish Preparation
6.2 Processing of Modified Atmosphere Packed Fish
6.3 Processing of Frozen Fish
6.4 Processing of Minced Fish
6.5 Packaging, Labels & Ingredients

Section 13 Processing of Canned Fish and Shellfish

13.1 General - Addition to Pre-Requisite Programme
13.2 Identification of Hazards and Defects
13.3 Processing Operations
13.4 Pre-Cooking and Other Treatments

Appendix VI - Proposed Draft Standard for Salted Atlantic Herring and Salted Sprats (At Step 5 of the Procedure)
Appendix VII - Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Live, Quick Frozen and Canned Bivalve Molluscs (At Step 3 of the Procedure)
Appendix VIII - Proposed Draft Certificate for Fish and Fishery Products (At Step 3 of the Procedure)